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MAY UPDATE: Better Internet Security for your file uploads to MERS | |
It's May 18th and we're on schedule to start releasing eRAMP with SFTP communications this week. Testing has been completed so we will start creating updates later in the week. Because eRAMP Standard with an Access database has less moving parts than our eRAMP SQL version the first updates will be for eRAMP Standard users with our annual support subscription. Once all eRAMP Standard users have their software the eRAMP SQL version will be released to all eRAMP SQL annual support subscription users. Users who do not have an active annual support subscription and would like to purchase a one-time update should contact Cyberlink Support at to request an update. The single update fee will be $495 for eRAMP Standard users and $695 for eRAMP SQL users who do not have an annual support subscription. User's purchasing a single update will receive their update after all annual support subscribers have received their updates.
As with all previous updates users will receive an email notice with a download link for their software. Installation instructions will be provided on your download page. In addition to replacing the FTP protocol with SFTP there are several enhancements to improve the performance of eRAMP. Users using our exclusive Registration Confirmation Certificate will also receive a new certificate with added entities including interim funder, gestation lender and warehouse lender. There are other smaller bug fixes also included. There was a lot of work required to convert to the SFTP protocol. Since Windows does not support native SFTP this version or eRAMP has a completely redesigned communications module. That said users will be happy to know with all the changes made our goals was to keep eRAMP functionally the same from the end user's perspective. We're happy to report that we achieved our goal. Users will be able to use eRAMP exactly the same way as they always have. Keeping the user interface consistent to reduce the learning curve from update to update has been a hallmark of eRAMP for the past 12 years. It's not easy but consistency helps our user keep loans flowing from update to update. Important! MERS will stop supporting FTP on July 1st. All older eRAMP versions with a version number less than 10 will not be able to submit loans to MERS for batch processing after June 30th. It is important that all eRAMP users update their software before June 15th to assure they will be able to conduct business with MERS using eRAMP after July 1st. Please contact eRAMP support at if you have questions. Regards, eRAMP Support and Development Team
Cyberlink Market Place Productivity Software available from Cyberlink Software Solutions |