On January 27, 2014 MERS releases system release 25.00. While this system release has little impact for eRAMP users a new eRAMP update version 9.8.1 has been created to maintain consistency with MERS releases.
Included in this eRAMP Update:
March 31, 2012 MERS added a field for Originating Organization. This field is now a mandatory field and will be required in eRAMP for XML Registrations, Batch Registrations and Batch Updates.
For eRAMP Inquiry User four new fields have been added as part of the results report:
- Agency ID
- FHA/VA/MI number
- Originating Organization Name
- County Name
Inquiry is a separate data retrieval program that can be added to eRAMP to search for and validate MIN numbers, multiple MINS by Social Security Number and multiple property addresses. Inquiry changes do not affect eRAMP standard or SQL users unless they have the Inquiry module.
This eRAMP update has other small enhancements to improve the efficiency and functions of eRAMP.
eRAMP users with our Annual Support and Update subscription will start receiving update 9.8.1 starting 1/20/2014. eRAMP users who do not have our Annual Support and Upgrade program and have purchased the update separately will receive their update 1/22/2014. All updates should be released by the end of the day 1/23/2014.
If you have questions about this update, eRAMP Inquiry module or would like to purchase an eRAMP Annual Support and Upgrade subscription please contact Customer Support at www.oncyberlink.com/support.
Thank you,
eRAMP Support Team